Notes To My Younger Self

You’re going to hear no, can’t, and any number of colorful adjectives designed to knock you off your path. But remember, negative words originate from fear; someone else’s not yours.

E.L. Chappel author of Spirit Dance/Storm Makers/Coming soon: The Surge
Resist the inclination to make other’s doubts your own.
Follow your instincts; if you are drawn to it, you can do it.
aka The Glamorous Wife


  1. Mary on August 8, 2017 at 10:49 am

    Sometimes those negative words come from within. Those might be harder to refute than the external blather.

    • E.L. Chappel on August 9, 2017 at 8:54 am

      Good point. The great thing about those kind of thoughts is we can work through them and shift our thinking!

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