Notes To My Younger Self:
Expectations: Any thought or word proceeded by the word “should” is typically tied to an expectation.
“He/she should help me…”
“That’s what good—friends, parents, partners, neighbors, siblings, bosses, coaches—should do…”
“If he/she loves me, they should act like…”
“If I want to be important, I should look, behave, speak, do…”
“I should do… to show them I care”
“If I want to be healthy, I should do”
“I should appear like…in order to be accepted and cherished”
E.L. Chappel author of Spirit Dance/Storm Makers/Coming very soon: The Surge
Releasing expectations of yourself and others is a surefire way to stand in your personal power; independent, resilient, clear-minded, confident—immovable.
aka A women discovering her highest purpose and her highest timeline.