Notes To My Younger Self:
Notes To My Younger Self:
Taking the time to get to know your authentic self is of the upmost importance. Since with this inner awareness you’ll be free and clear to discover your heart’s desires. When you know—not think, or guess—what your genuine desires are, you will become aware of your passions. Once you understand and pursue your passions, any need to “present” to please, to impress, to be accepted, to be validated, to be worthy, to be connected is released, making space for confidence, steadfastness, curiosity, authentic connections, curiosity, peace, joy and abundance beyond anything you can imagine. The trick is to become aware of where you’re knowingly or unknowingly presenting, unearth those roots and heal any beliefs or patterns that have led you to believe you need to “present” to get what you want.
E.L. Chappel author of Spirit Dance/Storm Makers
Healed, you’ll have the power to manifest all you desire. You have the power to heal.
aka A woman realizing her highest purpose and her highest timeline.