Read It-To the Power of Three

2thepowerof3To The Power of Three

Laura Lippman

Pages: 520 pages

Genre: Fiction-Young Adult

Age: 14 and up

Written in: Third person

Favorite parts: The way the author subtly drops tiny kernels of information hinting that things aren’t what they appear to be on the surface. Also, the seamless transitions between the past and present. (felt like I was an observer hearing the events first hand)



The thriller launches straight into action.  The day before a critical event at the local high school. Three girls, best friends, find themselves caught in the center of the hysteria. As the story unfolds, a journey begins. The time-line of circumstances that lead the girls to this life-changing moment.

Gracious thanks to Joan Rhine author, editor with Mullerhaus. You always steer me in the right direction. I’m grateful for the introduction to the heralded Laura Lippman.



Barnes & Noble/Nook


  1. Koredo on August 21, 2012 at 3:44 pm

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH(it was probably an hsneot mistake two boxes got smashed to shit. Right now there is a blender repair shop with a stack of comic books they don’t want.)

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