Notes To My Younger Self:


Notes To My Younger Self.  Law of Energy—Energy doesn’t understand good or bad. High vibration or low vibration. It solely seeks likeminded energy. E.L. Chappel author of Spirit Dance and Storm Makers If things aren’t the way you want, ask this question:…

Notes To My Younger Self:


Notes To My Younger Self:  Taking the time to get to know your authentic self is of the upmost importance. Since with this inner awareness you’ll be free and clear to discover your heart’s desires. When you know—not think, or guess—what your…

Notes To My Younger Self:


Notes To My Younger Self:  What you focus on grows. What you focus on grows. Like metal to magnets, your words, thoughts and behaviors will connect with likeminded words, thoughts and behaviors. So what you say, think and do is very powerful….

Notes To My Younger Self:


  Notes To My Younger Self: Intent: ~meaning to do or achieve; purpose or objective. Dictionary. com ~motive or purpose. ~an aim or purpose. Britannica. Intention: ~Intentions are responsible for initiating, sustaining, and terminating actions and are frequently used to explain…

Notes To My Younger Self:


Notes To My Younger Self: “Who am I? Hum…who am I at the very core of my being? Hum…” E.L. Chappel author of Spirit Dance/Storm Makers/Coming very soon: The Surge What makes you giddy? Gives you goosebumps? Squeal even? Take notice. You’re…

Notes To My Younger Self:


Notes To My Younger Self:  Know that everything you’ve walked through—the blessings and the challenges—have had purpose.  Preparedness: to put in proper condition or Prepare: ready or able to do or deal with something~Oxford languages —to make yourself ready for something…

Notes To My Younger Self:


Notes To My Younger Self:  Merriam Webster:  faithful, constant, staunch, steadfast, resolute, firm in adherence to whatever one owes allegiance.  2) fidelity, allegiance, fealty, loyalty, devotion, piety mean faithfulness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty. Brittanica: devotion…

Notes To My Younger Self:


Notes to My Younger Self:  There’s no reason to defer to others or wait for them to give you permission. You can realize all your heart’s desires yourself. You are capable. You are worthy. You can stand in your own right. E.L….

Notes To My Younger Self:


Notes To My Younger Self:  Withholding forgiveness is a surefire way to block abundance and all the blessings that are intended for you. E.L. Chappel author of Spirit Dance/Storm Makers/Coming very soon: The Surge Forgiveness of others AND forgiveness of self.  aka…

Notes To My Younger Self:


Notes To My Younger Self:  Elevation: Oxford  ~advancement, upgrade, step up, move up, loftiness  Vocabulary. Com ~to rise or raise something The Free Dictionary ~the act of raising to a high position, status or condition of being.  Wiktionary ~The act of raising…