Don’t Ask if You Don’t Want to Know–The benefits of reviews: the good, so-so and the “needs to improve.”


Those of you who follow my Facebook Fan Page know that I just returned from the first in a series of book promotional trips. If you’re not a follower, the journey was to the Experimental Aircraft Association’s annual fly-in where roughly 500,000…

Why I Became an Author.


This blog spun from the writing exercise I posted this morning on my Facebook Fan Page. Drills that were initially intended to improve my writing, but have somehow evolved into life lessons that nudge me along on my track. Who knew? Not…

Mentors: Need one, Want one, How to become one.


“Got a minute?” The cro-magnon looking plumbing contractor hollered from the front walk. I dropped the two, 55-gallon trash bags I was carrying and raised my eyes to see the hulky man trotting up the front walk. “What’s up?” I asked, bending…

The Glutes are Firing


  “Rumor is you’re going to fall flat on your arse,” the hulky plumber said and angled to look at my backside. I wound up a gallon-sized trash bag I was lugging, swung and slapped him across the midsection. So hard, I…

OMG-The remodel: Day three


 I I woke breathless, feeling like a winch was tightening on my chest. Popped up as disaster scenarios streamed through my thoughts. “Did the concrete guys double-check measurements before pouring cement? Did the carpenters consult the plans before framing the first two…

Big Girl Pants: A blog re-entry (Compliments of the universe; styled by Carhartt.)


How do you know when you are an author? After the completion of one book? Two? Three or even more? When friends and love ones read your work? Or an editor either validates or tears your story apart. When a publisher offers…

Pitching In–How Corporate Jets Are Helping Angels


pic courtesy of “Howdy,” the pale little boy waved, touched the plastic crew wings pinned to his shirt and then rushed up the air stairs, his mother less than a half step behind. His wisp of a frame easily slid past…



Everything I’ve learned in aviation has taught me to think ahead. Hundreds of miles down the road. Plan in order to be prepared, learn to anticipate every possible outcome. While this strategy is incredibly useful in flying, it doesn’t translate so well…



pic courtesy of Google Images Do you miss flying? Rarely does a week pass that I’m not confronted with this question. Logical enough, since it was the career I chose. One I eventually left. Funny how long it has taken me to…

“Top Gun” 3D IMAX–Wide screen insight into writing a time-tested story


“Talk to me Goose,” the world renowned fighter pilot known as “Maverick” says as his F-14 Tomcat tears across the floor to ceiling screen during the remastered release of “Top Gun” on the film’s twenty-fifth anniversary. The Red Baron and I eagerly…