Experts: The sure fire way to know if you have the real deal.


During my eighteenth month stint generaling my own house remodel, I met and hired my share of experts. People who said they had a comprehensive and commanding skill set in a particular work description. Pretty straightforward right? You’d think so, but have…

Writer’s Block on the Job: Truth or Urban Myth?


Most mornings, I use John Dufresne’s book “The Lie that Tells a Truth” as a practice guide to help improve my writing. (I typically post the daily drill on my Facebook fan page.) The point of the book, at least in my…

Flight of the Porta-John and other on the job mishaps.


One of the most difficult things about managing people is to understand when to be firm and when to ease back on the throttle. An issue, I’ve learned, that is not specific to my construction site. Recently I was in Las Vegas,…

Unexpected House Guests–A Construction Nightmare


I open my eyes to see a glimmer of light. Dawn, the horizon on the verge of exploding with pink yellow light. How lucky. I stretch admiring the east facing bedroom window that frames the budding sunrise like a piece of invaluable…

Moving On Up–The Remodel


Two hours later, I could barely catch my breath. Fingers trembled. My insides twitched. Lightheaded as if drifting in and out of an early morning dream, my mind scrambled to sort out if I had just willingly come face to face with…

Sound Off–One, Two…


  I’m exhausted. The combination of walking the site after hours, collecting trash, checking progress and waking at the crack to plan each of the six trades to-do lists, has cut into my much needed REM rest. Most days, at least Monday…

The Glutes are Firing


  “Rumor is you’re going to fall flat on your arse,” the hulky plumber said and angled to look at my backside. I wound up a gallon-sized trash bag I was lugging, swung and slapped him across the midsection. So hard, I…

OMG-The remodel: Day three


 I I woke breathless, feeling like a winch was tightening on my chest. Popped up as disaster scenarios streamed through my thoughts. “Did the concrete guys double-check measurements before pouring cement? Did the carpenters consult the plans before framing the first two…

The Morning After


Seven am., day two as the general. I bounced down the garage apartment stairs skipping every other step. The transition talk was behind me and job site rules set. A new beginning. I thought, looking forward to a productive work day. At…

Big Girl Pants: A blog re-entry (Compliments of the universe; styled by Carhartt.)


How do you know when you are an author? After the completion of one book? Two? Three or even more? When friends and love ones read your work? Or an editor either validates or tears your story apart. When a publisher offers…