Notes To My Younger Self:

Notes To My Younger Self:  Unconditional Love:  ~Love that is not relevant upon specific conditions or expectations. ~a deep emotional connection and acceptance of self and others for who they authentically are, without judgment or the need for reciprocation. It includes empathy, compassion, and understanding, feeling safe, valued, and supported. Feeling free.  E.L. Chappel author…

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Notes to My Younger Self:

Notes To My Younger Self: Nurture:—care for and encourage the growth or development of. Cambridge—to take care of, feed, protect someone or something Merriam-Webster—training, upbringing ~the sum of the environmental factors influencing the behavior and traits expressed by an organism Collins—tend, grow, cultivate, encourage to develop. Nourish:—keep (a feeling or belief) in one’s…

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