The Double Bubble Effect: Rituals and Creative Flow.

Back when I was flying professionally, I was required to go to training every six months to practice malfunctions and potential issues that rarely come up in airplanes, and to take a test to make sure I was still qualified to be in charge of the cockpit. The four-day recurrent course included daily ground school…

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Stop or Write On?

Before I became an author, I was a professional jet pilot, and as I’ve mentioned in past posts, I’m still amazed at how many piloting skills also apply to writing stories. Take the flight maneuver called a go-around for example. A go-around is an evasive procedure that can be executed in flight when unsafe or…

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Finding Your Write-O-Rhythm

  At the beginning of the summer I decided to do an experiment, knowing that I was scheduled to begin writing my third book in the fall.  The purpose of the exercise was to figure out how to maximize creative flow, and make the most of my allotted writing time. Naturally, I used myself as…

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