Notes To My Younger Self:

#moonrise #contrails “Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside (*and inside) ourselves will affect us.”~Stephen Covey E.L. Chappel author of Spirit Dance/Storm Makers/Coming very soon: The Surge “We are powerless over our addictions, whether thoughts, beleifs, liquor, sugar, pills, people, attention, spending, drama, food. We are not…

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Notes To My Younger Self:

For you, success will mean being your best everyday—embracing blessings, gifts, challenges and difficulties, mistakes and flaws too. Letting go of any woundedness, trusting that circumstances have a way of balancing themselves out. Embracing family and friends as they are, not expecting them to be like you or as you think they should be, and…

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Notes To My Younger Self:

It’s never too late. You’re never too old. There’s always enough time. You are equipped. You’re worthy. You aren’t asking too much. Dreams are available for everyone. Resources are in abundance. Everything you need to achieve your dreams is out there, if you’re just willing to believe. E.L. Chappel author of Spirit Dance/Storm Makers/Coming very…

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Notes To My Younger Self:

  How many things will be so much better than you could ever imagine if you keep your mind and heart open. E.L. Chappel Author of Spirit Dance/Storm Makers/Coming very soon: The Surge “Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to…

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Notes To My Younger Self:

This year, know and accept the past, in order to understand who you are today and the forces that have brought you here. Own that your behavior wasn’t always the best because you were reacting to the events around you instead of creating and planning them, and that’s okay; you weren’t aware. Don’t waste a…

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