Mentors: Need one, Want one, How to become one.

“Got a minute?” The cro-magnon looking plumbing contractor hollered from the front walk. I dropped the two, 55-gallon trash bags I was carrying and raised my eyes to see the hulky man trotting up the front walk. “What’s up?” I asked, bending my neck to make eye contact. “We’re wrapping up today and I wanted…

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Experts: The sure fire way to know if you have the real deal.

During my eighteenth month stint generaling my own house remodel, I met and hired my share of experts. People who said they had a comprehensive and commanding skill set in a particular work description. Pretty straightforward right? You’d think so, but have you ever hired a expert and still been dissatisfied and disappointed in the…

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Writer’s Block on the Job: Truth or Urban Myth?

Most mornings, I use John Dufresne’s book “The Lie that Tells a Truth” as a practice guide to help improve my writing. (I typically post the daily drill on my Facebook fan page.) The point of the book, at least in my mind, is to teach writers how to unleash unlimited creative flow. A highly…

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