
My house is haunted. Nearly a hundred years old you can imagine the number of spirits of owners past who have returned to pace our halls and attic. If I wake suddenly in the middle of the night and creep stealthly downstairs, I can catch light switches flicking, cabinets slamming, my paranormal guests, I suspect,…

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Quote of the week

Never mind in writing, get it in concrete. Masonry contractor working at my house the morning after the last presidential debate.

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Say It-Quote of the week

Called my cousin yesterday and begged her to kill me. Dress in black, drive to my house, break in through an open window, creep down the dark hall to my writing area and wring my creatively blocked neck. With gloves of course, to hide any evidence. I don’t want her to have to spend life…

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True Blood

The sun lit the pale blue sky, eagerly, I suspected, after three days of dense rainy weather.  Hungry for breakfast, I left our house, tracked around the saw horses and piles of plywood enroute to our detached garage. Kitchen remodel, about six weeks in. If you believe the contractor, we’re half way through. Outside, the…

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Say It-Quote of the week

“I’m too old to get “career minded” I just want to earn some fun money to get my nails done.” Woman who asked me how hard it is to become a published author.

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